Content Planning - September 2020 "Days"

Hey, y’all! How are you feeling as we leave behind the un-official last month of summer? Of course, it will be in the 80s and 90s here in Charleston for who knows how long! This month will certainly look different as we navigate the various back-to-school/work schedules we’re facing, but just know Pinckney Palm is here cheering you on. Sending you all the positive vibes heading into a new month!

Before jumping in, just a few reminders about these "days":

  1. Don't post on more than one or two of these "days". No one wants to follow an account that's just full of National "Days". 

  2. Make sure it ties into your brand! Why does it matter that you're chiming in on this day? Why should someone care? Can you tie your product or service to that day?

  3. Get your hashtags right! Ensure that you've got the one main hashtag and any related hashtags ready to go when you post. This is a great way to expand your reach on social and get discovered by new accounts. I like to post the main hashtag in my copy and then comment with the other 29 (or less) hashtags.

  4. Plan it out! Write down the date on your calendar (especially if you have a content calendar for social!) and go ahead and plan out the photo and copy you're going to post.

I’m encouraging each of you to take time when planning your content to really pick the holidays that speak to you and your brand. A few holidays on my radar this month include National College Colors Day (Go Tigers!), National Working Parents Day, and International Podcast Day. As a general note, we usually recommend refraining from posting on September 11th, due to the reverence of the day.

Here are a few ideas to spark some inspiration for planning out your content this month:

  • If you love to read, National Read a Book Day on September 6th would be the perfect opportunity to share a Reel featuring your top 5 business books.

  • Hop on IG Live and read your favorite children’s book on International Literacy Day, if that aligns with you and your brand.

  • Share a few of your favorite charities on September 5th for International Day of Charity, share a branded IG Story template all about gratitude for International Day of Gratitude on September 21st.

  • Share your Fall bucket list for the first day of Fall on on September 22nd and encourage your followers to screenshot and tag you if they fill out your template or complete any activities on your Fall Bucket List!

Don’t forget - always go back to those personas and content pillars if you find yourself in a content planning rut! You’ve got this!

Erin Phillips