Content Planning - October 2020 "Days"

Ah, the month of comfy sweaters, hot apple cider, and cozy blankets is upon us - if you don’t live in Charleston that is! 🤣 Seriously though, y’all - I am so excited to see October. Even if we don’t have sweaters, blankets, and cider, we still have pumpkins, hayrides, and (palm) leaves! I hope you’re all embracing the good times as they come and trying to get back into some kind of routine now that school’s in. Social media can sometimes take a back burner when life gets crazy, but if this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s just how vital a social media presence is to your small biz. So, let’s get to planning!

Before jumping in, just a few reminders about these "days":

  1. Don't post on more than one or two of these "days". No one wants to follow an account that's just full of National "Days". 

  2. Make sure it ties into your brand! Why does it matter that you're chiming in on this day? Why should someone care? Can you tie your product or service to that day?

  3. Get your hashtags right! Ensure that you've got the one main hashtag and any related hashtags ready to go when you post. This is a great way to expand your reach on social and get discovered by new accounts. I like to post the main hashtag in my copy and then comment with the other 29 (or less) hashtags.

  4. Plan it out! Write down the date on your calendar (especially if you have a content calendar for social!) and go ahead and plan out the photo and copy you're going to post.

Instagram’s Birthday, World Mental Health Day, and International Coffee Day are a few holidays we’re looking forward to celebrating here at Pinckney Palm. If you’re looking for some fun content ideas for this month, think outside the box! These holidays can be a huge source of inspiration for your content planning - so don’t forget to use it!

Here are a few ideas to spark some inspiration for planning out your content this month:

  • Use Stories to poll your followers and ask them about their go-to coffee order on October 1st, International Coffee Day. If you’re feeling generous, you could even post a pre-loaded Starbucks gift card barcode on your Stories as a treat to your followers. Ask them to tag you in their Stories if they use it!

  • If you’re a business owner, take advantage of National Boss’ Day on October 16th to show your face on your Feed, introduce yourself, and talk about the joys and challenges of leading your company - no matter how small or large your team is!

  • Create a Stories template to shout out a teacher that’s killing it for World Teachers Day on October 5th.

  • Ask your audience what their favorite candy is for Halloween on October 31st.

Here’s to another month of killing the content planning game!

Erin Phillips