Meet Slaton :: Spring 2021 Intern

The Pinckney Palm team is excited to welcome Slaton as our newest intern for Spring 2021! Slaton is a student at Wofford College (go Terriers!) who will be working with us remotely this spring.

Below is a fun interview we recently did with Slaton so you can learn a bit about her:

Welcome to the Pinckney Palm team! Give us a quick overview - hometown, college, family, hobbies, etc. 

Hello! My name is Slaton Schneider and I am so excited to join Pinckney Palm this spring as their intern! I am originally from Birmingham, AL and absolutely LOVE it there. It has been so fun to see the city grow over the past 20 years, and I am excited to see this change continue. I am currently a junior Finance major with Business and Music minors at Wofford. I love needlepoint, baking, reading, long walks with good company, getting outdoors, and traveling (I’m basically your cool grandmother).


Top 3 favorite accounts to follow on Instagram?

I follow a really interesting mix of accounts on instagram. A few of my favorites are @malloryervin (mommy blogger + inspirational), @heatherkmcmahan (funniest person ever), and @overthemoon (all the beautiful things)!

Favorite book?

My favorite book of the moment is The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. Comer describes the ways in which our world has sped up at record speeds in the age of technology and how this is ruining our ability to slow down and simply be. I loved this book because it felt like a breath of fresh air in a season when the world felt like it was spinning around me and I couldn’t keep up. This book helped me to see and find practical ways that I have the ability to eliminate hurry from my life and live a counter-cultural lifestyle that leans into hard work + rest and away from an endless cycle of hurry.

Top 3 songs on your motivation playlist? 

Take Me or Leave Me, Idina Menzel + Tracie Toms

GotItBad, St. Paul & The Broken Bones

Daddy Lessons, Beyoncé + The Chicks

What are your top used emojis?



If we were to look at your Explore page on Instagram, what kind of posts would we find?

It’s currently filled with The Bachelor content, fashion inspiration, babies + mom bloggers, and funny memes.

Why social media? What draws you to it? 

I think that social media can be an amazing tool for the advancement of good + new ideas, product promotion (My guilty pleasure is Instagram shopping), and connecting with friends anywhere in the world. Social media has SO many different ways to be used, and I think that this is what draws my attention to it the most. I’m just really curious about it!

Favorite destination to live #LifeUnderThePalm? 

I would love to end up in Boston, MA post-grad. I love the city, the people, and the history!

What are you most excited about when it comes to interning with Pinckney Palm this spring?

To be completely transparent, I have often struggled with social media and seeing the beneficial aspects of it as solely a consumer. I am so excited to see through my internship how social media can be used for good and the promotion of some really awesome small businesses!

I also love to learn, and I know that the Pinckney Palm team has so much knowledge that I will be able to get some great takeaways from this semester!

What’s your thing? What do your friends know you for or know you love?

I have been curious about skincare for as long as I can remember. I’ve been deemed the "skincare expert" of my friend group. I love researching the science behind products and how they can protect or improve our skin!

I’m also known for a bold fashion choice. Embrace the extra! 💃🏼

Welcome, Slaton! We’re so excited to to have you!

Erin Phillips